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ERPHO - BBC Health News RSS Feed
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Public Health Observatory
Tuesday, 2 Nov 2004 01:18
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BBC News | Health | UK Edition

NHS 'fails people with allergies'
People with allergies are being failed by the NHS, say MPs.  [more...]
Hormones predict miscarriage risk
Doctors may be able to predict which women are at high risk of miscarriage, say researchers.  [more...]
The supermice that resist cancer
Scientists have bred a family of 'supermice' that are highly resistant to cancer.  [more...]
Embryos to be tested for cancer
Scientists are granted permission to screen test tube embryos for an inherited form of bowel cancer.  [more...]
Cost of temporary nurses 'soars'
The cost of temporary nursing staff has trebled, says a report, warning of a fragile future for the profession.  [more...]
Asbestos claims 'could hit £20bn'
UK claims for asbestos related diseases could hit £20bn - but insurance will only cover half the cost, a study says.  [more...]
Natural protein can starve cancer
A protein present in normal body tissue could hold the key to preventing tumour growth, researchers say.  [more...]
Inquiry call on baby heart deaths
Calls for an inquiry into children's deaths during heart surgery at a hospital will be made on Monday.  [more...]
Hospitals 'face doctor shortage'
Casualty departments face a staffing crisis as doctors leave for better paid jobs as GPs, doctors' leaders warn.  [more...]
Cystic fibrosis care under attack
Almost a third of cystic fibrosis patients face problems obtaining life-saving treatment, research suggests.  [more...]
Complex cause for brittle bones
A mix of bad genes and poor nutrition may be responsible for cases of brittle bone disease, research suggests  [more...]
Nursing shortage denied
Claims there may be a nursing shortage after a report pointed to rising numbers leaving for the US are denied.  [more...]
'Stethoscope' hears kidney stones
Scientists develop a "smart stethoscope" that can hear when a kidney stone has been successfully shattered.  [more...]
EU plans 'risk patients' safety'
Patients could be put at risk by new proposals from the European Union, doctors' leaders warn.  [more...]
Pylons 'double child cancer risk'
Children living under high-voltage power lines could run double the risk of getting cancer, research reportedly suggests.  [more...]
Bowel cancer trials 'offer hope'
A breakthrough in treatment could cure as many as 40% of patients with bowel cancer, say experts.  [more...]
Cosmetic surgery warning
New guidelines are warning people of the dangers of not choosing their plastic surgeons carefully enough.  [more...]
Heart disease and stroke
Cancer: The facts
A guide to pregnancy
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