APE-2 - Audiometry Performance Emulator

To extract files for installation:

  1. Click Download APE-2 software link below to download archive and save to temporary file on your computer.
  2. On the File download dialog that appears, select the option to "Save this program to disk" and select a folder on your computer to receive the file.
  3. (If your browser shows a File download dialog indicating "Some files may harm your computer ...", click on the Save button)
  4. After the file has been downloaded, you should see a Download complete dialog
  5. To install the software, unzip the contents of the downloaded .zip file and run setup.exe
  6. Follow the on-screen instructions to install APE-2.

The installation includes brief instructions for using APE on the folder that you select during the installation process (e.g. "..\Program Files\APE2")

After installing, APE-2 may be started by clicking Start - Program Files – APE-2 – APE-2

Download APE software