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Audiology Placements

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Audiology Placements:
Have you...?




Before you set out on Placement, have you...?

   *  Contacted the department in good time to introduce yourself?

*  Checked who to report to on the first day and at what time? Do you know what your regular hours will be?

*  Checked what to wear / organised a uniform?

*  Checked you know where you are going and know how to get there?

*  If you are driving, do you know where you can park/arranged a permit? Have you checked out local transport?

   *  If you are in hospital accommodation, have you phoned to confirm your place?

*  Checked what you should and shouldn’t bring with you to clinic and hospital accommodation?

*  Updated SUSSED if you have changed your address, telephone number or email details?

*  Contacted Cat for a new Council Tax Letter for your new address?

*  Made a note of your Student ID number to access the IRCP?

*  Made a note of your Supervisor's contact details and the departments telephone number?