

If one wishes to measure a bubble population, one of the most useful methods is active acoustic bubble spectroscopy. In this, a sound field is projected into the bubbly liquid.  The interaction of the sound field with the bubbles produces an acoustic signal which may be inverted to estimate the numbers of bubbles present and their radii.
(This can be contrasted to passive acoustic bubble spectroscopy (a tutorial on which can be accessed by clicking here) where the bubble population is diagnosed simply by listening to the emissions made by the bubbles: no incident sound field is projected at the bubbles).


In summary therefore, to achieve active acoustic bubble spectroscopy one must undertake 3 procedures:
[1] Insonify bubble population
[2] Monitor effect on sound speed, attenuation, scatter
[3] Invert acoustic data using suitable model
Because of this, the various methods of active acoustic bubble spectroscopy have features in common, which will be colour coded in the following schematic:
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